About Us

Welcome to Dokimos.

Our mission is to create bold visual products and resources that challenge Christians to live intentionally, take action in faith, and glorify God in every aspect of life.

Dokimos isn’t just a brand—it’s a movement. A movement of believers rejecting comfort, passivity, and lukewarm faith. We are called to act. To stand firm. To live with purpose.

Most Christian brands focus on sharing the Gospel through conversation-starting designs. That’s great—but it’s not our focus. Dokimos is about something different. Our designs serve as personal reminders of biblical truth. Reminders of the high calling we have as Christ followers. Because if Scripture is meant to shape our lives, it should be at the forefront of our minds—not collecting dust on a shelf.

This brand was born out of necessity. A lot of Christian apparel leans soft, passive, or overly decorative. Dokimos is built for men who take their faith seriously—who want to be sharpened, not coddled.

Why "Dokimos"?

Dokimos (doh'∙kee∙mos) is a Greek word meaning tested, tried, and approved to be genuine. That's the goal of Dokimos - to grow roots in faith and take it seriously so that we might be presented as approved. Not because we are earning our faith, but because we desire to serve God as effectively as possible out of gratitude and obedience to God.

I created this because I need it. If you do too, welcome to the movement. Start here.